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Contribution of "Fakel" to the Future

14 of September, 2012

In recent months, the plant significantly increased investments aimed at solving urgent problems that occur in the cultural, educational, sporting and social institutions, social organizations of the city and district. A great gift pleased factory workers and their countrymen on the eve of the city. As promised producers, as part of a special program they produced about twenty sets for playground equipment in certain neighborhoods and backyards of apartment blocks. Kids happy to learn new swing and the "hump". And parents also have a reason for positive emotions: their little offspring have the opportunity to develop their natural abilities and mobility, to compete with their peers in velocities conquer new heights.


Playgrounds are already twenty one house, gardens and villages and cities Fastiv district, namely, on the street. Chervonoarmiiska 37, 37, 40, 42, outside Kuibyshev 15, 17, 5 string, Garden 5, Sobornaya 60, Velykosnitynskaya 26, Communars 12, Drujbi 1a, in Vykonrobs town and many others ...




There was a place for a happy new home to which eagerly awaiting kids and their parents, and the "patch" streets Korzhenevsky and Savchenko. Chairman of the Street Committee Mikhail Beletsky streets and residents gratefully accepted such a nice innovation, and kids the joys even uttered kind of oath: "when I grow up, go to work on the"Fakel! ". After hearing such assurances involuntarily tunes on optimistic note ...


By the way, geography surprises initiated by management of the plant, did not fit into the territorial limits of only Fastiv. Set playground made for "Fakel", found also in kindergarten village Veluka Snitinka. Village head Natalia Pipko not hide the pleasure of this gift kids and transmits the enterprise gratitude selchan.


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Mike Mukovoz Studio