Main \ Products \ Oil & gas equipment \ Automatic Odorizers "ODOFAKEL"
Equipment for the gas transportation system:


Automatic Odorizers "ODOFAKEL"

The purpose of function of the installation is to provide automation of odorization process, i.e. to provide automatic maintenance of the specified standardized concentration of odorant in the gas regardless of changes in the volume of transported gas and environmental conditions, as well as automatic recording of odorant consumption.

Automatic odorizers "ODOFAKEL" manufactured according to TU U 33.2-04601469-055-2011.


The odorizer performs the following functions:

- pulsed feed of the odorant under the action of pressure generated by the dosing pump. The average consumption of odorant depends on the repetition rate of pulses that control the pump which is formed by the control unit depending on the gas flow.

- odorant supply by means of backup droplet-type odorant batch meter in case of failure of the main odorant batch meter or during the calibration operation. The switchover to backup odorant batch meter is manual.

The control unit performs the following functions:

- automatic proportional control of dosing pump according to the gas flow (automatic mode of operation);

- measurement of the current odorant flow;

- independent setting of odorant flow according to the latest gas flow in case of absence or failure of data connection to the flow meter;

- adjustment of the dosing pump by:

1) odorant density (manual input);

2) amounts of impurities in natural odorant;

3) results of the current odorant flow, measured by hydrostatic flow meter forming part of the installation, depending on the gas flow rate for the same time (automatically).


Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio