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Equipment for the gas transportation system:


Gas distributor stations «Energiya»

Automatic modular gas distribution stations «Energiya» are intended for supplying separate consumers with natural gas, associated gas, oil-well gas, preliminary processed from saturated hydrocarbons, and artificial gas from main pipelines with the pressure of (1.2-7.5 ÌPà) by means of reducing pressure down to the indicated (0.3-1.2 ÌPà) and maintaining it. The stations are intended for operation in the open air in the areas with moderate climate under the environment temperature from -40 °Ñ to +50 °Ñ with relative humidity of 80 % at 20 °Ñ.

AGDS «Energiya» available capacity from 1 000 to 250 000 cubic meters. m/hr.

AGDS «Energiya» produced according to TU U 26.5-04601469-042:2014.


— gas cleaning from moisture drops and mechanical admixtures;

— condensate discharge into the drainage tank;

— gas heating before reducing;

— reducing high pressure of gas down to the indicated one and supporting it with certain accuracy under variations of input pressure or gas consumption;

— gas odourization before supplying it to the customers;

— measuring gas consumption with multiple registration;

— automatic control of the station operation modes;

— sending accident and warning signals in case of violation of the station operation modes to the console of the dispatcher or operator.


— The stations will be delivered in the form of completed equipment in strict conformity with the requirements of the polling sheet.

— Measurement of the gas consumption in GDS is made with the help of measuring instruments in accordance with the selection of the customer.

— The unit of gas reducing pressure has two links (operating and reserve) with two consecutive regulators ensuring 100% redundancy of equipment for the main outlet of gas.

— Gas heating before reducing is made with the help of a heater with the intermediate heat-transfer agent and fire heater of direct action.

— The system of automatic control (CAC) of the GDS ensures control of operation parameters, sending accident and warning signals to the console of the dispatcher and operator.

— GDSs are equipped with gas odourizers ensuring automatic odourization of gas in proportion to its consumption.

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio