Main \ Products \ Oil & gas equipment \ Pipe heat exchangers-regenerators (Air Heaters)
Equipment for the gas transportations system:


Pipe heat exchangers-regenerators (Air Heaters)

Pipe heat exchangers-regenerators (ТРТ)/HER/ «Fakel-1» and «Fakel-2» are a component part of gas turbine compressors of compressor stations of the main gas pipelines. HERs are intended for heating with combustion products the air arriving in the combustion chamber of the gas turbine plants and they are made in the form of a pipe two-way heat exchanger. They consist of two assembly units mounted on pipelines of waste gases of the gas turbine plants.
Their main advantages as compared with the plate regenerators consist in high air-tightness, low aerodynamic resistance, higher degree of regeneration.

Heat exchangers tubular regenerators manufactured according to TU U 29.2-04601469-021-2004.











Technical Characteristics:

Technical parameters Fakel-1 Fakel-2
1 Type of gas pumping unit Type of gas pumping unit ГТК-10
2 Regeneration degree 0,75±0,03 0,8±0,03
3 Total relative loss of pressure, % 6,0±0,5 5,2±0,5
4 Temperature of cycle air, °С 195±5 190±0,5
5 Overall dimensions (of one assembly unit), mm
— length
— width
— height
6 Mass of the regenerator (two single units), kg, not over 100000 76000
7 Mass of the heaviest assembly unit (section), kg, not over 5500 5500

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio