Main \ Products \ Heat exchange equipment \ Steam-water heaters with the productivity of 25, 50, 100, 200…
Head exchange equipment for power engineering and heat supply enterprises:


Steam-water heaters with the productivity of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 t/h

They are intended for heating non-deaerated chemically cleaned water in chemical workshops of thermal power stations.
The heater is made in the form of a rigid construction apparatus the main units of which are a steam body with pipe bundle and two distribution water chambers. They are manufactured in accordance with the TY (Specifications) of the manufacturing plant.

Technical Characteristics:

Heater type Heat exchange surface area, m2 Consumption, t/h Operation pressure, atm Operation temperature, °С Body diameter, Dout, mm
of water of steam of water of steam of water at the inlet, not less than of steam, not more than
25 3,97 25 1,68 8 8 5 180 273
50 8,4 50 3,36 8 8 5 180 273
100 14,6 100 6,72 8 8 5 180 480
200 31,2 200 13,4 8 8 5 180 480
400 68 400 26,8 8 8 5 180 630

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio