JSC "Fakel" became a member of Gas association of Ukraine
30 th of May 2008
On January, 24th 2008 JSC "Fakel" became the full member of Association «Gas association of Ukraine» - the Ukrainian noncommercial contractual association of the enterprises and the organisations, created for the purpose of association and coordination of actions of the members in sphere of protection of economic, legal and other general interests, the help in realisation of the activity by them, and also formations of civilised market relations.
The association "Gas association of Ukraine" for the decision of the primary goals co-operates with Committees of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine concerning the ecological policy, wildlife management and liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl accident, concerning transport and communication, and also with National agency of Ukraine concerning maintenance of an effective utilisation of power resources.
Participation in Association will allow JSC "Fakel", one of the largest manufacturers of the gas equipment in Ukraine, successfully to promote expansion of the market of application gas and alternative motor fuel in Ukraine, to promote working out, creation and development of the market perspective gas cylinder equipment and liquefied gas-filling equipment, to take part in decisions of the basic questions of branch.