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Winning the Championship in Kiev and Kiev region of Billiard Sport

8 of February, 2012

Championship was held February 4 - 5 in Kiev and Kiev region of billiard sport (combined pyramid). Fought for the title 79. Our Billiard Academy was represented by Maxim Kolenko and Timothy Bryzhatyy. In two days of competition, the winner of the Championship became the capital of our sportsman - Maxim Kolenko, who beat Daniel Bezuglov in the quarterfinals - 3:2. In the semifinals, also in the backlight party of Cyril Ustich, and in the decisive match of Sergei Tsilyk - again with a score of 3:2. Acted with dignity and Timothy, who has ceded for access to the 1/8 in a bitter struggle experienced athlete Sergei Kolamiyts.

Congratulations to Maxim with VICTORY!

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