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Re-audit of the QMS PJSC "Fakel"

December 19, 2013

PJSC "Fakel" was re-audit of the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

16/10/2013, the follow-up audit was successfully completed (Ch. auditor - Kuharchuk V.P., auditors - Titarenko A.A., Pogorelov A.I.). The scope of the quality management system for the first time last certification in 2004, is " Production, sales, installation and commissioning of oil and gas equipment ."


The auditors noted the high qualification of technical personnel and senior management interest in the improvement of the company within the QMS, as exemplified by the improvement of manufacturing technology (for example, normalization method welds) development of new products (for example, a filter for cleaning oil, gas heaters), the development of new design solutions (for example, development of automated gas distribution station AGDS, managed in automatic mode). All of the above, as well as effective process approach enable PJSC "Fakel" quickly and efficiently perform the tasks assigned customers.

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