Main \ Products \ Heat exchange equipment \ Water-water coolers of water of vertical type ОВ
Head exchange equipment for power engineering and heat supply enterprises:


Water-water coolers of water of vertical type ОВ

Water-water heat exchangers of vertical type can be installed at power plants and in hot water systems; they are intended for prevention of possible water boiling in pipeline sections with lower pressure.

Technical Characteristics:

Heater type Heat exchange surface area, m2 Water consumption, t/h Operation pressure, atm Operation temperature inlet-outlet, °С Height, Н, mm Body diameter, Dout, mm
in body in pipe system in body in pipe system in body in pipe system
ОВ-40м 40 95,3 160 7 26 164 150 4490 618
ОВ-44-1 44 36 180 0,22 29 59—36 29—34 5010 614
ОВ-140м 140 640 640 4 26 45 37 4150 810
ОВ-150-3 150 140,8 310 1,29 29 104,5—90 81—87,6 6360 1008

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio