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Head exchange equipment for power engineering and heat supply enterprises:


Water-water heat exchangers with the productivity of 5-10, 20-40, 80-240 and 400 t/h

They are intended for heating chemically cleaned water in chemical workshops of thermal power stations due to the use of blowdown water heat. The heat exchanger is made in the form of a rigid construction apparatus the main units of which are a steam body with pipe bundle and two distribution water chambers. They are manufactured in accordance with the TY (Specifications) of the manufacturing plant.

Technical Characteristics:

Heater type Heat exchange surface area, m2 Consumption, t/h Operation pressure, atm Operation temperature, °С Body diameter, Dout, mm
of heating of heated of heating of heated of heating of heated
5-10 1,6 2,5 10 8 8 160 Not less than 45 159
20-40 5,0 10 40 8 8 160 Not less than 45 273
80-240 21,2 50 240 8 8 160 Not less than 45 480
400 31,2 80 400 8 8 160 Not less than 45 480

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio