Main \ Products \ Heat exchange equipment \ Horizontal water-water coolers of drainage condensate of type ОГ
Head exchange equipment for power engineering and heat supply enterprises:


Horizontal water-water coolers of drainage condensate of type ОГ

Water-water heat exchangers of horizontal type can be installed at power plants and in hot water systems; they are intended for prevention of possible water boiling in pipeline sections with lower pressure. Condensate coolers consist of one, two or four sections of the same construction joined in sequence for both heat-transfer agents with the observation of the principle of countercurrent flow.

Technical Characteristics:

Heater type Heat exchange surface area, m2 Consumption, t/h Operation pressure, atm Operation temperature, °С Body diameter, Dout, mm
in body in pipe system in body in pipe system in body (inlet) in pipe (outlet)
ОГ-10 6 10 98 5 5 130 100 273
ОГ-12м 12 80 65 7 16 165 135 273
ОГ-24м 24 80 65 7 16 165 135 273
ОГ-35 35 130 45 14 16 75 80 323
ОГ-32 32 400 11 11 3,5 24 104 426
ОГ-130 130 75 230 3,5 11 80 70 426

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio