Main \ Products \ Heat exchange equipment \ Flash steam coolers of vacuum deaerators of type ООВ
Head exchange equipment for power engineering and heat supply enterprises:


Flash steam coolers of vacuum deaerators of type ООВ

They are intended for condensation of maximum quantity of steam discharged from the deaerator steam-gas mixture and utilization of this steam heat.

Technical Characteristics:

Heater type Heat exchange surface area, m2 Operation pressure, MPa Temperature, °С Body diameter, Dout, mm
in pipe system in body in pipe system in body
ООВ-2 2 0,5 0,12 50—80 104 325×6
ООВ-8 8 0,5 0,12 50—80 104 426×9
ООВ-16 16 0,5 0,12 50—80 104 426×9
ООВ-24 24 0,5 0,12 50—80 104 530×6

Creation of a site —
Mike Mukovoz Studio